๐Ÿงฐ Software


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Glary Utilities Pro 5 is an imposing application which contains a collection of tools for optimizing, maintaining and securing the computer. It has all the tools in a single platform. It removes temporary files, registry files, history, cookies, cache information and more. When we install a program or application, the application creates registries and temporary files and when we uninstall the program so Windows doesn’t seem to delete registries and temporary files where Glary Utilities comes in handy and does the job.


Glary Utilities Pro 5 แž‚ឺแž‡ាแž€แž˜្แž˜แžœិแž’ីแžŠាแž€់แž”แž‰្แž…ូแž›แžŠែแž›แž˜ាแž“แž”แžŽ្แžុំแž“ៃแžงแž”แž€แžšแžŽ៍แžŸแž˜្แžšាแž”់แž”แž„្แž€ើแž“แž”្แžšแžŸិแž‘្แž’แž—ាแž–แžែแžšแž€្แžŸាแž“ិแž„แž’ាแž“ាแžŠแž›់แž€ុំแž–្แž™ូแž‘័แžš។ แžœាแž˜ាแž“แžงแž”แž€แžšแžŽ៍แž‘ាំแž„แžขแžŸ់แž“ៅแž€្แž“ុแž„แžœេแž‘ិแž€ាแžែแž˜ួแž™។ แžœាแž›ុแž”แžฏแž€แžŸាแžšแž”แžŽ្แžោះแžขាแžŸแž“្แž“ แžฏแž€แžŸាแžšแž”แž‰្แž‡ីแžˆ្แž˜ោះ แž”្แžšแžœแž្แžិ แžូแžƒីแžŸ៍ แž–័แž៌แž˜ាแž“แžƒ្แž›ាំแž„แžŸแž˜្แž„ាแž់แž“ិแž„แž‡ាแž…្แžšើแž“แž‘ៀแž។ แž“ៅแž–េแž›แž™ើแž„แžំแžกើแž„แž€แž˜្แž˜แžœិแž’ី แž ើแž™แž’្แžœើแž€ាแžšแž›ុแž”แž€แž˜្แž˜แžœិแž’ីแž“ោះแžœិแž‰ แž“ោះแžœាแž˜ិแž“แž”ាแž“แžŸំแžขាแžแžขแžŸ់แž–ីแž˜៉ាแžŸ៊ីแž“แž€ុំแž–្แž™ូแž‘័แžšแžšแž”แžŸ់แž™ើแž„แž‘េ แž”៉ុแž“្แžែแž€แž˜្แž˜แžœិแž’ី Glary Utilities Pro 5 แžขាแž…แž‡ួแž™แž”ាแž“ แž“ិแž„แžែแž˜แž‘ាំแž„แž‡ួแž›แž‡ុแž›แžšាแž›់แž–េแž›แž€ុំแž–្แž™ូแž‘័แžšแž˜ាแž“แž”แž‰្แž ាแž•แž„แžŠែแžš៕

Available on sale here!

SmadAV is a good antivirus program that is capable of detecting any type of virus in your USB Flash Drive. SmadAV has got a good rating on several popular software providing websites. SmadAV is really good at identifying and killing any kind of virus in USB flash drives. If you already have a main antivirus program, and you are looking for extra protection, you can consider Smadav. This is a name that is associated with good and reliable coverage, especially for the additional program.

Available on sale here!

Malwarebytes Premium 2020 is a widely used and popular security application which allows users to keep their system safe and secure. As nowadays users can be affected by any virus, malware or any other script which encrypts all the data. It provides users with basic protection against viruses, spyware, adware and other web threats, wrapped up in a highly intuitive interface with clear navigation and much more.




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