Monday, December 7, 2020

AVG PC Tuneup


Here's how Sleep Mode works:

1. Put programs to sleep

Sleep Mode identifies apps with lots of startup items, processes running in the background, scheduled tasks....and puts them to sleep, so they don’t drain your PC and slow you down.

2. Restart sleeping programs whenever you want

Kick-start sleeping apps at your convenience — our patented technology automatically enables all background activity.

3. Put programs back to sleep when you’re done

After you’re done using the app, we’ll re-freeze all draining background activity for you.


AVG Internet Security


  • Advanced Antivirus - Scans your PC for viruses, ransomware, spyware, and other types of malware.

  • Behavior Shield - Sends alerts if suspicious software behavior is detected on your PC.

  • AI Detection - Proactively identifies malware samples to protect you from new threats.

  • CyberCapture - Blocks new threats by having our antivirus software automatically upload them for analysis.

  • PUA Scanner - Identifies potentially unwanted apps that you may have unknowingly downloaded.

  • Turbo Scan - Shortens scanning time by skipping files it already knows are safe

  • Real-Time Updates - Ensures you’re always protected by getting security updates, bug fixes, and new features automatically.

  • Do Not Disturb Mode - Temporarily stops all pop-ups and app notifications so you can focus on what you’re doing.

  • Silent Mode - Postpones AVG scans, updates, and popups so you can avoid interruptions while you work.

  • Ransomware Protection - Wall off your personal files and photos so hackers can’t lock them and control which apps can change or delete them.


Microsoft Visio Professional 2019

Available on sale here in only Local!

This is a Microsoft Visio Professional 2019 Original Digital Product Key from Microsoft. We ensure this is the best product and the best price, if it makes your computer problem, we will refund you back. For more details, please contact me via phone number: 010 40 41 41   or    093 40 41 14. Thanks!

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