Sunday, November 11, 2012

English Tale

The Golden Fish

Once there were an old man and an old woman. They were very poor. Their cottage was on the seashore. They were fishermen by professor. One day, the old man with his fishing-net on his shoulder went down to the sea. He threw his net into the sea but he caught no fish. Again he threw the net but there was no difference. On the third time, when he dragged out the net, he found in it a fish of golden color and because of this he called it «The golden fish».
«Have pity on me, good old man» said the golden fish, «put me into the sea. I’ll offer you something valuable. » The old man was surprised at the fish’s words. He did never see any fish that could speak like a man. Now he saw this strange fish which could speak the human language. So he lifted it up carefully and said, «May god be with you, Oh golden fish, I want nothing from you. » On saying this, he threw the golden fish back into the water with the words, «Swim away with joy! » On that day, the old man had nothing for his wife. He went back to his cottage and told his wife of all that had happened.

To be continued...

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