Thursday, December 3, 2020

Microsoft Project Professional 2016

Available on sale here in only Local!

This is a Microsoft Project Professional 2016 Original Digital Product Key from Microsoft. We ensure this is the best product and the best price, if it makes your computer problem, we will refund you back. For more details, please contact me via phone number: 010 40 41 41   or    093 40 41 14. Thanks!

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แž“េះแž‡ាแžŸិแž‘្แž’ិแžขាแž‡្แž‰ាแž”័แžŽ្แžŽแž”្แžšើแž”្แžšាแžŸ់แžšแž”แžŸ់แž€แž˜្แž˜แžœិแž’ី Microsoft Project Professional 2016 แžŠែแž›แž…េแž‰แžŠោแž™แž€្แžšុแž˜แž ៊ុแž“ Microsoft ។​ แž™ើแž„แž្แž‰ុំแžŸូแž˜แž’ាแž“ាแž‡ូแž“แžា แžœាแž‡ាแžขាแž‡្แž‰ាแž”័แžŽ្แžŽแžŠ៏แž›្แžขแž”ំแž•ុแž แž“ិแž„แžแž˜្แž›ៃแžŸแž˜แžšแž˜្แž™แž”ំแž•ុแž แž–ិแžแž”្แžšាแž€แžŠแž˜ិแž“แž€្แž›ែแž„แž€្แž›ាแž™ แž”្แžšแžŸិแž“แž”ើแž˜ាแž“แž”แž‰្แž ា แž™ើแž„แž្แž‰ុំแž“ឹแž„แžŸแž„แž›ុแž™แž‡ូแž“แžœិแž‰។ แžŸแž˜្แžšាแž”់แž–័แž៌แž˜ាแž“แž›ំแžขិแž แžŸូแž˜แž‘ំแž“ាแž€់แž‘ំแž“แž„แž˜แž€แž‘ូแžšแžŸ័แž–្แž‘แž›េแžៈ แŸ แŸกแŸ  แŸคแŸ  แŸคแŸก แŸคแŸก แžฌ แŸ แŸฉแŸฃ แŸคแŸ  แŸคแŸก แŸกแŸค៕ แžŸូแž˜แžขแžšแž‚ុแžŽ!!!


INDUCTEL Medical Dictionary

 Available on sale here!

INDUCTEL Medical dictionary is a dictionary that has thousands of medical terminology ready to be explored. The application is easy to use and does not need any internet connection in order to access all the terms of medical field and can have the basic knowledge of the medical terms. INDUCTEL Medical dictionary is a complete dictionary with all the definitions and audio pronunciations so that you can learn how to pronounce the terms correctly.