Monday, March 8, 2021

GiliSoft USB Lock 2020

 GiliSoft USB Lock 2020 is a full-featured application that fully ensures the security of your data in your computer system. It has the ability to automatically send email notifications and ban the account for ten minutes if users enter the wrong password for more than five times. Additionally, you can also use this tool to disable your modem, printer, infrared ports, COM LPT ports, bluetooth etc. With this great tool, you can control the access of each drive to your system while blocking other unauthorized devices in order to keep you information safe. The application enables you to share your computer with other users without fearing of data theft. You can even block the use of web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or even URLs so that there is no way to transfer information. When you block a website, the user will be forwarded to a blocked page or to a blank page, without being able to load the content of the original page. Even the system’s Control Panel can be easily locked.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

3D Text Commander 5.7.0


3D Text Commander is included with various features such as it can capture the reader’s attention with the 3D banner leading to more engagement and sales. The animated banner can export in APNG, GIF, WebP, and other formats. The application also includes a texture library by which users can take advantage and be ahead or get some inspiration and improve the work. Users are allowed to create their own custom shape, enter the text of any size. Users can also access the preview panel before exporting as to achieve the results they are looking for.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional

Available on sale here in only Local!

This is a Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Original Digital Product Key from Microsoft. We ensure this is the best product and the best price, if it makes your computer problem, we will refund you back. For more details, please contact me via phone number: 010 40 41 41   or    093 40 41 14. Thanks!

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